Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 11

A couple days ago, my friend was having day three of a bad day. You know, the bad day that ends up being three days? She shared with a few of us how bad it was. Then a little later a "secret admirer" had sent her chocolate covered strawberries. And that turned her around. Later that night she told us that the random gift from another one of our friends (she finally confessed) got her to start thinking differently about her life, and the stress and frustration she was feeling about one part of her life went away because she was so focused on the great things she has.

Here is the best part. Another friend heard this story. The next day, her husband was having a really bad day, so she sent him candy to brighten his day, which it did. This is a great example about how people were paying it forward, and how it helped people feel better. I really think it's not about the amount the gift costs, it's about the act of kindness that counts.

All of these acts remind me of a dear dear friend who, many years ago, sent me a large envelope that was full of little paper squares. Each square said "hugs" - there were thousands of them. I still have them all, and will mail them to other people from time to time. Again, the smallest act can make such a great difference in someone.

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